I finished my writing sabbatical on Friday and felt some sadness.
I could have kept going. Maybe I’ll take another break this fall. I’m definitely feeling ripe around some themes that are brewing, emerging and calling to me right now.
It’s been interesting to keep expanding the boundaries of the themes I speak a lot about—self-renewal and life balance—and taking these teachings into other realms. Like peeling away the layers of an onion.
During the last week of my sabbatical, my husband and I attended a benefit concert for the Midwives Alliance of North America. Iron and Wine (and Calexico) played. I had just been introduced to Sam Beam (singer for Iron and Wine) through Austin City Limits and was really blown away by his songwriting and artistic ability. His poetic music really moved me (I love the Trapeze Singer).
During that same week I finished Crossing to Avalon (a chronicle of a woman’s spiritual pilgrimage) by one of my mentors, Jean Shinoda Bolen. I was transported to Glastonbury and the Chartres Cathedral felt like I was walking besides Jean as she rounded labyrinths, crossed seas and explored these ethereal sacred sites.
And yesterday I spent the day relaxing in the cool waters of the Guadalupe under the tall rock wall at Guadalupe State Park with some friends. The natural beauty of the river, thousands of different colored and shaped rocks and hundred year old trees lining the banks were so delicious, I almost felt stuffed--as if I’d eaten too much.
Since I unplugged last month, I’m much more attuned to sounds, colors, smells and aesthetics. Last week, I couldn’t get enough art, music, books and found myself experiencing sights and sounds like I never had before.
For me, a central component of emotional well-being or balanced living is living an inspired life.
I think we all have moments where we feel like we’re in a black and white movie and our actions seem rote, but when we take the time and energy to breathe color, vibrancy, poetry and passion into our lives, we feel inspired. And often, we remember who we really are.
And for me, that’s what it’s all about.
P.S. August is a great month to take a retreat. I just shared some tips in my latest life balance newsletter on how to create a “pause” in your life. Check it out if this speaks to you.
JOIN A GROUP, ATTEND A RETREAT/WORKSHOP OR DIALOGUE WITH ME: Would you like to learn more about the power of self-care and how being kinder to yourself can change your life? Join us in the cool Berkshire mountains in MA, August 13-15 at the beautiful Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health for our Self-Renewal Retreat. One of my favorite spots on the planet and the retreat center that I visit when I'm ready to make a huge life shift! Visit our calendar to learn more about upcoming events including my Aug. 27th Career Strategy Workshop: Find a Fit, Create a Plan, Love Your Workshop and our FREE September 9th Live Inside Out teleclass on Strategies for Balanced Living.
Also, check out our Live Inside Out community and share how you create balance in your relationship.
The Journey, a blog about coach/author/entrepreneur Renee Trudeau’s personal journey to life balance and living life from the inside out, comes out weekly.
Photo: While on the banks of the Guadalupe River, this stunning bird (I later found out it's called a painted bunting) visited us while we lounged in the shade. We couldn't take our eyes off of her.
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