Saturday, May 5, 2012

Year-of-Self-Care Retreat Giveaway

Many of my major life shifts came while I was on a retreat. 

Whether it was spending eight hours alone at a friend's house unplugged, surrounded by my sketchpad, colored pencils and Wisdom cards, circling up to dialogue with men and women who were defining the next stage of their lives, or gathering with "sisters" at a yoga & wellness center in the mountains to hear what our "Wise Selves" had to share--these retreats or pauses from everyday life, had a profound impact on who I am today.

This Mother’s Day win a Yummy Mummy Year-of-Self-Care Retreat Package and enjoy relaxation, nurturing, nourishment, empowering coaching and inspiration for an entire year!

The amazing giveaway--which is open to all "women who nurture"--whether that's students, children, pets or plants--includes:

■An all-expenses paid trip to life balance author Renee Trudeau’s New Way of Being: Women’s Self-Renewal Retreat at Kripalu Yoga & Wellness Center in the MA Berkshires mountains (includes program registration, all meals and lodging--airfare excluded); Value: $900

■A Personal Renewal Group Starter Kit: includes a Personal Renewal Group Facilitator Membership (learn more) and 10 copies of The Mother’s Guide to Self-Renewal: How to Reclaim, Rejuvenate and Re-Balance Your Life Value: $749

■A personalized, high-level coaching session with one of our nationally-recognized Senior RTA Career/Life Coaches --Angela Estes or Sarina LaMarche--via phone; Value: $225

■A registration to the highly popular New Way of Being Telecourse with Renee Trudeau; Value: $99

■ A vintage yoga soft, organic cotton Live Inside Out or I Choose Love t-shirt-- sizes are limited; Value: $20

■One-year supply of delicious and delightful Mighty Leaf Tea (various flavors); Value: $250

■ Beautiful hand-made string of 108 beaded Gemstone Serenity Beads for prayer or meditation from Renee's friend/wellness teacher Elizabeth Irvine. Use these beads as a touchstone throughout your day to promote peace and serenity; Value: $250 
Total package value: $2700

How to win? It's easy-breezy! From May 6th-12th, "Like us" on Live Inside Out Facebook and share your answer under the comments section below to “What does self-care mean to you?” We’ll draw a winner at random on Mother’s Day!

Questions? Additional details here. Or mail or visit Learn more about the practice of self-care here.

I love to hear from, connect with and meet The Journey readers at our events. I invite you to:

  • Find Your Tribe: Join or learn to facilitate Personal Renewal Groups for women
  • Attend a retreat/event including my June 8th Empowered Entrepreneur and June 22-24 Kripalu retreat;check out all upcoming events
  • Learn about Live Inside Out and receive weekly inspiration on our Live Inside Out Facebook Community
  • Pick up my life balance title The Mother's Guide to Self-Renewal from the library or buy it here or at your local bookstore
  • Read past issues of my Life Balance newsletter or Career Management newsletter
  • Take Action: Contact one of our career or life balance coaches for 1-on-1 support; receive an initial complimentary consultation
  • Empower Others: Schedule Renee for a private workshop or retreat for your company or organization
  • I Choose Love PSA: a reminder that when we come from love--one of the most powerful yet underutilized forces on the planet--we have the ability to transcend fear and remember what we're really hear to do: give and receive love. Learn more.
Subscribe to The Journey, a weekly blog about coach/author/entrepreneur Renee Trudeau’s personal journey to creating balance from the inside out. 

Photo: Some of the beautiful, soulful women that attended my recent Women's Self-Renewal Retreat at Esalen in Big Sur, CA. Think retreats are not your thing? Think again.


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Anonymous said...

What does self-care mean to me?
It means putting everything in my life on hold and entering into a silent space where the only voice I hear is the one coming from my heart.

A Journey For Life said...

To me it means refreshing your mindy, body, and spirit.When you do that you can be the best you! I haven't had a vacation in years because of little one's and my hubby's crazy job, moving several times. But I try to when he is home get outside by myself or sad to say to the store. When children are sleeping I try a little exercise or reading.

Claire said...

Self care for me means free time, being outside, especially near water I can play in, people to talk with, play, laughter, writing, art and lots of yoga.

Jill said...

Self-care means just a little bit of time just for me to renew and relax. During those moments,I am not a wife, mom, daughter, employee and I don't feel guilty about it.

Katherine Patton said...

Self care means valuing myself, investing in myself. It is essential, not for special occasions only.

Michelle said...

Self-care means staying connected to who I am, eating healthy, exercising and continuously learning and evolving. When I do this this consistently I have more to give to my children and feel like I'm setting the best example.

Anonymous said...

Self care is doing anything that allows you to recharge your energy and maintain balance in your life. For me self- care can mean anything from having a lazy morning with a good book to bike ride or a brunch filled with laughter with my people. It's hard to get off balance with all the demands of life. Thank you for reminding me to just enjoy and be with my days.

Pat said...

Self care for me means remembering. And to remember how to love myself best, takes a breath, a moment of quiet, a connection to my inner Self where my answers are. Self care is moment by moment breathing and remembering. Loving others begins by loving myself.

Carol said...

Self care means being aware of what I need and being willing to choose the most nurturing option.

Allison Crow Flanigin said...

Self care-- starts with the outside stuff-- a deep cleansing breath, time for ME, taking care of my body with movement and natural foods...and then moves to my mind- loving self talk, self soothing and allowing myself to just be where I am...and then moves to my spirit. More breaths...and more just being...still and connected. Choosing to do this often...daily... is self care to me. Taking care of others...I'm often teaching this..and have to retreat and remember to do for myself. I AM worthy of self care.

Christina said...

To me self care means taking time for myself to exercise, learn something, relax/breathe, gain perspective and enjoy spending time with people who live positively.

bluefeather603 said...

For me, self care really clicked when I began regularly checking in with my deepest self to see what I really want or am lacking. With three young kids, I always felt depleted and would try to "integrate self care" by scheduling time for yoga or massages or meditation, only to come away feeling unfulfilled- like I was a self care failure. :). Renee said something once about doing a daily 30 second check in with yourself to see what you need today, and I realized that self care isn't something I should have to put on my to do list (and run out of time to do). Self care for me is giving myself what I really want or need at any given time. Sometimes self care is yoga... And sometimes it's watching a movie (or letting the kids watch one). Sometimes it may be admitting to myself that I am sick or tired or hungry. It doesn't have to be big or glamorous or "schedulable". It is treating myself as well as I would treat a casual friend.

Kisha said...

Self care, Big picture- Feeling love, compassion and devotion to one's self. Little picture- Putting that love, compassion and devotion into action every day! Simple daily acts. Self care is a choice that requires me to be conscious and deliberate.

AidansMom said...

Self care is deciding I am WORTH it...then finding a good perspective of seeing the small moments of how deep and rich my life is: the smell of baby shampoo in my toddlers hair after a bath, watching my seven year old fearlessly kick a goal, and reading next to my eleven year old at night while the house is still. But more than that, self care is my investment in my marriage because it's worth it and it cares for me. And let's not forget sharing meals, laughter, and joy with my sister soul mates and friends. Love are connection are my self care.

Anonymous said...

Self care means to me starting each day with an intention for the day, a daily affirmation card and a reflective reading. This sets the tone for my day.

Maura Allard

Patricia said...

Self-care is remembering that before we can effectively help others, we must first learn to serve ourselves.

airhart therapy said...

For me, self-care is taking a sabbath day each Sunday to rest and do things spontaneously with my family. It also means honoring my need to slow down when the world around me is going in warp speed. This is so hard to do and I struggle with it daily.

JMom said...

What a fantastic opportunity! Self-care to me means focusing on the ME that isn't "just" a mom, a wife, a colleague, a house-cleaner/cook/lawn mower! It is an invaluable time to slow down and remember what is important.

Kristina said...

Self care has come to mean feeling OK about doing something for myself - and it doesn't always matter what that something is!

CHoney said...

Self care means allowing myself to remember what my passions are and not feel guilty about enjoying them. I'm definitely working on this!

Hilary said...

Self care is anything that nourishes my mind,body or soul. Remembering that I am better when I am happy too.

Hill Country Cakery said...

To me,self care is taking time to meditate and center myself in the middle of the chaos life throws my way. I'm not always good at remembering to do so, rather than stressing, but I'm learning!

Thien-Kim aka Kim said...

Self care for me is realizing that I need to slow down and take more bubble baths. I need time alone and unplugged so that I can be a better me, mother, wife, and person!

ei said...

Self care, I'm learning, means forgiving myself on a daily basis and trying to feel compassion for myself as I go about my challenging daily round. Breathing deeply and spending time outside every day is also essential.

Jenne in AZ said...

Self care means there is enough energy left at the end of the day to do the things I want to do.

Renée Trudeau said...

Thanks for the great shares--I am very inspired reading these. Wish I could bring you all to Kripalu!!

Jodi Egerton said...

I know I've been on the up and up with self-care when I laugh instead of snapping or getting frustrated, when I pause to take a breath instead of being upset when my (dear, well-meaning) husband tells me to take a breath, when I feel happy with my wacky house and life rather than overwhelmed and cluttered. And for me, self-care looks like a balance of time alone walking and listening to music, time with dear woman friends and red wine, time to catch up on sleep, and time with my family--but only after the other three have been satisfied. If I've taken care of myself, then family time totally fills me up. But if I'm low on self-care, it depletes me fast...being aware of this key to my happiness! And how fun I am as a mom and wife and friend...(Thanks for the nudge to put this into words, Renee!)

TammyG said...

Self care means remembering to stop and listen to my son's laughter every day and be in the moment with him. Self care is forgiving myself for not getting everything done on my list because my son had a list of his own that didn't include laundry and errands. Self care is remembering what is important - time with those I love.

Laura said...
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Laura said...

Self-care is doing things that recharge me and fill me with energy. Without self-care, I'm nowhere close to the mom, wife, daughter or friend that I really want to be.

Kerry said...

Self care for me is when I am creating. Cooking, art, pottery, a project with the kids, rescuing wayward worms from the storm puddles this morning... It allows me the perspective to remember that these are the things that matter. This is what I will reflect on in years to come.

Katrina said...

To me, self care means making it a priority to keep yourself fullfilled physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Taking the time to make sure you have what you need, in each area, to manage the "day-to-day and strive for a balanced life. Nurturing yourself, being kind to yourself and forgiving yourself are important aspects to practice during your journey to becoming your best self. I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn about self care, so that I can practice, grow, balance and teach.

Sherrill said...

Self care is a slippery target for me. I don't know if I'm not doing the right things for myself, or if I'm just so drained from years of insufficient care that what I'm doing isn't enough, but it's an ongoing struggle. Sleep is a huge piece of it for me and between a young son, a twitchy and snoring husband and a yowly cat, I don't often get good sleep. As I get older, self expression is demanding to be part of the equation, and perhaps that's what has been missing the most.

ShellyL said...

Self care equals self love to me! Being in the moment, nurturing supportive friendships, suppressing negative thoughts and acknowledging the spiritual gifts I receive daily are all ways I honor what I bring to the world. Self care/ Self love allows me to give more as a wife, mother, friend, and as a human contributor on this planet.

Ida Kim said...

Self care is asking myself, "What do I need?", scheduling the time to do it, and believing that I'm worth it and keeping my appointment with myself. Nothing else is more important than taking care of me!

Julie said...

Self care= planning a time for myself (hubby takes kids) and tuning in to what I need to regain balance. I get this time every Saturday, and I usually do the same thing each week, but some weeks I need something different, and so I respond to that.

Michelle said...

Self care to me is evolving...first baby steps were asking myself what I really need, acknowledging my right to give myself what I need, and actually doing so. It is a journey to go all in. I now know, really know, treating myself like I would a cherished best friend is a great way to start on the path to meaningful self care.

To add to my earlier comment (from Live Inside Out)...self care is also putting into action that I am a priority because "I am"...putting on my oxygen mask first so I can actually be present for all parts of my life :)

Jessica said...

Self care is intentionally asking myself "what do I need right now?" It also has to ce an on going thing, wherein I nourish myself through the foods I eat and how I move my body. It isn't easy to do, but I can see how my family benefits. It encourages me to keep going!

Natalie said...

Self care is being aware of my needs as much as my kids and husbands so that I can be available -- really available-- to them.

scotlas999 said...

Self care to me means taking the time to do things for me: waking up early to have a quiet breakfast, keeping a positive outlook on life, working to get rid of the negative things in my life and finding the silver lining in every situation.

Haley said...

Self care means allowing yourself to live an authentic life and to follow your passions without guilt.

Vered said...
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Vered said...

Self care for me: Going for a long walk (without the kids). Fuzz therapy (we have a really cute rabbit who is so calm and gentle, it's hard to get irritated when I'm holding her). Reading a book (nothing serious or heavy!).

kriscard said...

today, self-care means planning my own delightful mother's day before worrying about cards or gifts for the other moms i want to celebrate sunday. :)

Vanityfire Photography said...

Self care for me is being vigilant about keeping up with acupuncture & energy treatments and being with other likeminded women. Sometimes others can help keep you balanced with their special gifts of nurturing or healing and I gain new perspective, keeping me healthy, focused and transformed.

Tala said...

Self-care is getting to my core and finding a resting place there. Where I am just me and I leave all the cares of the world for a moment. Staying with "me" is restful and rejuvenating just like having a good conversation over coffee with a dear friend :-)

Sarah said...

Self-care means nourishing myself the way I nourish others. A good meal prepared with care, cutting myself slack, taking some time to just sit and relax or read a book instead of pushing into another project. A good soak at the end of a hard day.

Nicole B. said...

Self-care means that in order to take care of others, I need to make sure that I take care of myself.

phoward336 said...

Self care means taking some time out to figure out what I "need" at that moment. It might be a green smoothie, a walk outside in the fresh air or twenty minutes of yoga.

Lori said...

Up until recently, I thought self-care meant a pedicure, manicure, or a $100 massage. Self-care is so much simpler. Self-care can be as little as a few deep, cleansing breaths. Self-care doesn't need to cost money. My idea of self-care is 30 minutes of gentle yoga combined with intentional breathing. I feel so grounded afterwards.

Heather said...
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Heather said...

Self care means taking the time to nurture myself physically, mentally and emotionally. I'm still working on "how" to do this, but that's okay. I'm trying to enjoy the journey.

Anonymous said...

Self-care means accepting myself completely. Self care means loving myself through all of my feelings and not judging them and allowing my feelings to show me what I need to pay attention to. Self-care means speaking my truth. Self-care means making choices from love. Self-care means choosing relationships/love before deadlines. Self-care means being present with myself and others. Self-care means being connected to my higher self/creative source. Self-care means being mindful that all is well and that I am well, abundant, love and loved.

Jadah {family sponge} said...
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jenngator222 said...

Oh my goodness, what an AMAZING giveaway!!! To me, Self Care means reminding myself of the things that I know are important, just one more time. I often need to remind myself that it's not really important if the laundry is put away or the dishwasher is unloaded. What's most important to accomplish throughout the day is expressing love to my daughter. I am truly taking care of myself, and of her, if I am present and in the moment, enjoying this beautiful life!

Jadah {family sponge} said...

Self-care is falling in love with myself. When my intention is to take care of myself, I am choosing love. I find it challenging to always give myself permission to show my body, mind and soul self-care. But when I do, I feel energized and renewed even if it only lasts for that moment. Self-care for me comes in the form of taking the time to read books the empower and inspire me; lighting candles and take a hot bath (I do this frequently; lay down and connect with my breath listening to meditation music; turning up my favorite tunes while driving or cleaning; connecting with other women I adore through intimate conversations; and my favorite is a weekend getaway without being on mommy duty or house duty or husband duty. I love being able to unplug and reconnect with myself without any distractions. I love retreats, and I would be thrilled to connect with other like-minded mamas, woman, self-care healers. We all have the ability to heal and love ourselves unconditionally. Thank you for creating an online community like this.

Aubrey said...

Self-care means taking time to be alone and ask myself what nourishes me--and then actually doing it.

janica said...

Self-care means taking the time to replenish myself. It means putting on my own oxygen mask before helping others. My favorite analogy comes from Lisa Nichols who talks about serving others from your saucer -- fill your own cup to overflowing and use the saucer to serve others.

Jeff Walker said...

Having compassion for myself, not just for others. Giving to myself so I have enough to give.

Nora Livesay said...

Self-care means saying no to things so I can say yes to my top priorities, including doing something from my 'fills me up' list everyday. I know that I am a more patient, kind mother and person when I take care of myself. And I want my kids to learn to do the same.

Barb W said...

Self care is the continuous strive for balance in my life...spiritually, mentally, and physically...always searching for the way to arrive at peace. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity, it would mean more to me than words could ever express.

Carissa said...

Self-care means taking care of myself so I am full and able to share and take care of others!

Michel Hudson, CFRE said...

SELF-CARE NOTES: I've been having trouble "fitting in" self-care lately, but always manage to at least take a few minutes in the morning for a silent listing in my head of gratitudes, intentions and requests for guidance for the day - all while stretching. I also take deep breaths during the day to try to release the stress that builds up. And I try to read all the Live Inside Out postings that remind me to step back from the treadmill of life. Thanks for that encouragement.

Carrie said...

In adjusting to mommy-ing two lovely girls, it was difficult to find rejuvination time. I find that the times I am the most “on top of the world” are when I’m not thinking so much about me. When I’m thinking of how to please and help others my whole outlook changes and in turn my needs seem to be taken care of. Of course there is always daily exercise , which is an immense help for my mood and outlook as well… It is so easy to be consumed with thoughts of how little sleep I am getting, how busy I am, what I don’t have, how much I need to get done… ect. But the minute I choose to take my eyes off myself, it seems all falls together much nicer and my needs are almost “magically” met.

Sarah said...
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Sarah said...

Self-care means remembering that in order to be a complete vessel for the Light I must balance and nurture myself so that I may care and share with others. My self-care is proactively balancing everyday obstacles and stress by: eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, praying, exercising, and trying my best not to be reactive or judge myself or others. ~Alanna Sarah

Chris said...

For me self care means getting in touch with, nurturing, and protecting my inner, true, authentic self. Anything that helps me toward that goal is good self-care.

Anonymous said...

Self-care for me means to be able to take the time to address my needs before I become depleted. I cannot give and give without taking time to recharge my own batteries. It's not a matter of quantity of the time, but the quality of the time spent.

Family 'n Oregon said...

Today I am learning to care for myself in a whole new way. After being diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years I am learning to breathe more deeply, enjoy the beauty that surrounds me including my 3 healthy, growing, thriving kiddos. To be brave in new endeavors, like healthier eating (more natural, whole foods) and to begin the journey of taking better care of each day

Mary Barras said...

Self care isn't selfish. It's caring for yourself so that you can have something (good stuff) to give to others. Nobody benefits from an empty mom tank.

Dr.D said...

Self care means I am valuing my life and my spirit; treating every part of the Universe (inside and outside of "me") as worthy of respect and care.

Sonnet said...

Self care means not feeling guilty when I put myself first and say "no" to others. :)

Jacquelyn said...

Self-care means being true to myself and maintaining my health physically, spiritually, and mentally- equally. When I take good care of myself, it is so much easier to care for those around me, too!

Enjoy Birth said...
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Enjoy Birth said...

Self-care means taking care of my health both physically and mentally. For me it includes exercise and meditation as well as massages. :)

Christine Carter said...

Self-care means attending to my happiness in both the short-term and the long-term. What am I doing for myself today to feel a little bit of bliss? (Eating lunch outside instead of in front of my computer.) What am I doing for myself because I know it will improve my health and happiness over the long-haul (lifting weights, even though I don't feel like I have time).

mothermedoula said...

Self care means doing yoga, exercise and being good to myself. Its hard to not feel guilty when money is tight and I need a massage or pedicure but I know that I need to fill myself up or I am no good to anyone.

Andi Vopalensky Morales said...

Self care is self love! It's realizing that putting myself first isn't selfish, it's nurturing myself. so that I can be a better friend, wife, and mother.

Anonymous said...

Self care is about really listening to your body, mind and soul. It is about being gentle with yourself, nurturing yourself.

Loved my retreat in Austin (I am from MA)...would love a visit with Renee close to home! :)

Debra S.

Jes said...

Self care is taking time for me: whether at the gym, taking a nap, having a full glass of water while it is still cold, or just taking a moment to breathe and refocus on the rhythm of my life, my heartbeat, and the pulse of life around me all a gift from God.

Jes said...

Self care means:
Going to the gym for a class, taking a nap, curling up with a good book, drinking a glass of water while it is still cold(!), or just taking a moment to breathe and focus on my heartbeat and the rhythm of life around me and in me and the Giver of it all!

circle of success said...

Self-care? For me it is being true to what gives me energy and excitement and finding a way to make my natural tendencies work for me rather than trying to box, stuff or snuff them out. It is about seeing that my gifts are a curse when I fight them or a blessing when I learn how to be in beneficial flow with them. To be "in flow" in a practical and applicable way.

Freda said...

Self-care means practicing the basics (rest, exercise, fun) so that we may have the energy to be able to go deeper within and determine what we really want and need.

circle of success said...

Self-care? For me it is about accepting my gifts and finding a way to be in flow with them rather than treating them like a curse and trying to box, repress or analienate them. When I accept my innate tendencies and see them as a strength, they begin to work for me instead of against me. Finding a way to utilize them to the benefit of myself and others, this is the ultimate self-care.

bzfree said...

For me, self-care means taking a moment to pause & check in with my whole being: what do I currently need to recharge & refill? And then having the courage to fulfill that need(s) knowing that ultimately I'll be better able to care for those around me.

claire chew said...

Self-care means not spreading myself too thin. Means filling my cup first, then servicing others. It means making sure I nurture myself with the thing that keeps me balanced. Journaling, mindful walking, meditating :)

coachinu said...

Self-care means to remind myself that I am important too. That even though my kids are a priority and that I need to take care of the many aspects of my life, I still matter and I have to be aware of it. It is very easy to forget about yourself and to find excuses to neglect your own care.But when you finally find the time and energy to do something for yourself the energy levels find the balance and your life flows.

Anonymous said...

Self care for me is coming back to my core self and my needs, wants, and desires. Learning to do something for myself is and has been hard. Feeling the mom guilt for taking the time away from my little girl but ultimately knowing that she will benefit more for it in the long run. Right now my daily self care is in the form of going to the gym.

Leila said...

To me, self-care is listening to my body telling me to exercise, even sometimes when my mind is saying, "Deadlines! Deadlines! Deadlines!" It's also sometimes taking a break in the middle of the workday to bake cookies or bread.

Sherri said...

Self care to me means taking time to nurture myself so that I can nurture those around me in a positive manner! Now I just have to make sure I do because as an elementary school teacher I feel like I am spread way too thin between work and home!

Unknown said...

What does self-care mean to me? It means taking the time to do the things (including non-doing) that help us feel at peace, refreshed, alive, joyful, healthy. It means listening to ourselves, listening to our body's signals as well as emotional and energetic signals. Self-care means treating ourselves with the love and care and attention we'd give to a child. Those are my initial thoughts; interesting to notice that although I'm a big advocate of self-care, I've never really defined it....

Unknown said...

Self care is about feeling well in all areas, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. When each of these are in balance I am at my best. I have more to give, feel more creative, powerful, peaceful and full of joy. Self care is essential to our well being.

Nicole said...
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Bauunny said...

Self care is an act of kindness to ourself and a means of self preservation. It allows us to maintain a balance in our physical and emotional health so that we can "be there" for ourselves and for others.

Mindy Bass said...

Self-care is believing that I am important enough to take care of too. By doing things for myself (exercising, eating well, going to the acupuncturist, etc.) I am renewing my energy and my ability to take care of my children, my husband, my friends and my students. I am also doing so with love, instead of out of obligation and this makes everyone's life happier!

Laura said...

Self-care means taking the time to do what I need for myself, so that I can be there for those I love, who need me.

Wolthuis said...

Self-care means taking the time to do things for myself that no one else can do for me -- a good night's sleep and eating well to name a few.

AnnieB said...

In my family we "treat other people the way we would want to be treated". We talk this and try to live this every day. Self care is "treating myself the way I am teaching my children to treat others". Convoluted but true. I am kinder and more forgiving to strangers than I am to myself. Self care is remembering to be kind-even to me.

Lindsey said...

self-care to me is a refilling of my cup, which I deplete on a regular basis. And when my cup goes dry, there's nothing to pour into anyone else's.

I know how much I need it, but I usually only carve out the time to do it when we are all running on empty and I've no other choice.

Lindsey said...

self-care to me is a refilling of my cup, which I deplete on a regular basis. And when my cup goes dry, there's nothing to pour into anyone else's.

I know how much I need it, but I usually only carve out the time to do it when we are all running on empty and I've no other choice.

Anonymous said...

Self care is making sure that I take the very best care of myself so that I can be the best I can be for my family. Happy mommy, happy family. I need rest, exercise, and to eat right in order to be able to take care of my kids and husband the way they deserve to be taken care of.

Michelle said...

Self care means avoiding negativity, using positive self-talk, staying active and putting only the best and most powerful natural ingredients into my body.

Jamie said...

I have Special Needs twins that I care for daily. Self care for means that I must take care of my self in order to stay healthy for the twins and the rest of our family! For me it means eating well, exercise and a good nights sleep. My twins rely in me and if I am not well, I cannot attend to their needs. Self care is both physically and mental!

Kristin said...

On this day, let me give myself gentleness and respect. I can practice self care by creating a ritual around shaving my legs, singing Journey to the baby while walking on the greenbelt, sneaking kale into my smoothie, and texting my girlfriends jokes at midnight.

Eileen said...

Self-care is taking a pause, creating space, to make a better choice. So hard to do in a stressed-out moment, or when I want, want, want. But, often the better choice has lasting value and can do more to fill me up.

daxe said...

Self-care is the first step in every contribution to taking care of our beautiful earth and community of living beings.

sarah said...

Self care means taking the time to remember who I am at my core, my connection to source energy--often including some time in nature, because that's where i feel that connection the strongest. It also often means yoga and meditation--they have kept me healthy and strong as a mother from the beginning.

Tonia said...

Self-care, to me, is accepting help.

Anonymous said...

self care to me is at this point today is paying more attention to myself by learning who I am at this point in my life and what do I really desire out of this life I have here on earth. Journaling, spending time quietly with a hobby that allows me to open my mind and clear out any "clutter thoughts".

Rainya said...

Owning my "no" and using it to avoid filling my life with things that I might want or feel obliged to include, but that don't serve my family or me.

Emily said...

It means doing things to keep me sane, regardless of the needs of my family.

Rita said...

Self-care to me means caring enough about myself to take some time out from family, marriage and work. This allows me a chance to rejuvenate and regain some sanity (some).

No guilt allowed!

Amy said...

For me, self-care is connecting with and nourishing my heart self. I do this by spending quiet time alone, making collages, journaling, honoring loved ones that have passed away, spending time with friends and family who love me, connecting with nature, being honest with myself and others about my feelings and needs, and respecting my own intuition and wisdom.

Hanalei said...

Self care starts with meditation/centering prayer for me because creating the space within allows everything else to fall into place

KM said...

Self care translates into sleeping enough, taking some time to breath during the day, drinking lots of water and eating well, giving myself some grace and being present with my children and myself.

Susan T said...

Self-care means treating myself with the same love and care as I do my children and my girlfriends. I must nourish my own mind, body and spirit with encouragement, special treats,overflowing love, and times just to play. If I want the absolute best for others, and I do everything I can to help them have it, then I must do the same for myself!

sleeptalkr said...

Self-care means rediscovering things that made me happy in the past, such as crafts. I tucked my cross-stitching, scrapbooking and sewing away years ago when I was raising my children and working, only to rediscover them - and the Zen-like stress relief they bring - this past summer. Crafting is a way I give back to myself.

eliz said...

Self care -- monthly massage.

dumondo said...

Self-care means engaging in something that fills me up, that restores my energy levels. Something that is meaningful, restful, and delightful. Practically, for me, this is drinking a cup of tea, doing a yoga pose, reading a good book, drawing, hiking...

Ellen said...

Self-care is giving myself permission to choose what is best for me and to release all the "shoulds" in my head.

kvanwisse said...

I used to think that self-care was doing anything that I wanted to do for myself, indulging myself. These days I am trying to be devoted to myself, like a mother to a child - and give myself the things I need to be happy and healthy - not just the things I want in the moment.

Tim and Ange said...

Self care to me is taking time to connect with God and remembering who I am in Jesus :)

Tim and Ange said...

Self care to me is taking time to connect with God and remembering who I am in Jesus :)

Liz said...

Self care is about having a mental toolbox full of practices and thoughts to use through my entire day. Whether it is deep breathing while I am challenged by my 4 year old or taking time to journal to hear my authentic self, self care is integral in my life. Fortunately, I have had the pleasure of attending some of Renee’s retreats and she has filled my toolbox full. We are not taught self care in school, we have to seek it. I am grateful for teachers such as Renee, she opens up pathways to my best self through self care.

TNT said...

Self-care, to me, means waking up each day and feeling what it is that I need that day to be my best self. It could be something in the spiritual realm, physical realm, mental realm, or emotional realm, but I've learned to listen to my intuition to know what that is. When I meet that need, I am a better mother, wife, employee, friend, and overall person for it! That makes me very happy!

Anonymous said...

Self care for me means creating space in my life to nurture those aspects of myself that make me uniquely me. It is the ability to prioritize and find meaning in my values, strengths and interests and include those in my sense of self rather than simply define myself according to the roles I fill in relation to others.

Anonymous said...

To me, self care is keeping my mind and body harmonized so that I can take care of my kids and my business.

Shelly said...

Self-care means consciously taking the time to think about what it will take for me to live a happy life..then doing it.

kriscard said...

today, self-care means not procrastinating what i *need* to do, so that i have time to enjoy what i *want* to do. :)

Emile said...

Self-care means investing in myself with the same passion with which I approach care for my children. It means not shrinking from who or what I can be! And pushing the boundaries of a mediocre existence aside to allow for wonderous living.

Anonymous said...

From one Renee to another: It has taken me a long time to figure out what self-care means, but it means being a little selfish. It means not feeling guilty for taking care of myself and pursuing the things that fill me up. It means I have to the little voice inside me that tells me the tanks are low and then I have to make arrangements for someone to help me with whatever needs to be shifted so that I can do what I need to achieve balance. There are so many voices telling me what to do and how to do it. But when I am quiet with myself, my little comes rises to the surface and reminds me that I am the person in charge. I am the adult in the room. I don't have to "ask for permission," I need to inform my spouse about what I'm feeling and make plans and then follow through. What a great giveaway! Someone is going to be incredible lucky!

Anonymous said...

From one Renee to another: It has taken me a long time to figure out what self-care means, but it means being a little selfish. It means not feeling guilty for taking care of myself and pursuing the things that fill me up. It means I have to the little voice inside me that tells me the tanks are low and then I have to make arrangements for someone to help me with whatever needs to be shifted so that I can do what I need to achieve balance. There are so many voices telling me what to do and how to do it. But when I am quiet with myself, my little comes rises to the surface and reminds me that I am the person in charge. I am the adult in the room. I don't have to "ask for permission," I need to inform my spouse about what I'm feeling and make plans and then follow through. What a great giveaway! Someone is going to be incredible lucky!

Maura said...

Self care means to me starting my day off with an intention for the day, followed by a few minutes of reading from my Daily Reflection book.


Anonymous said...

Self-care is in asking myself every single day how I am and what I may really need, today. And listen to the answers that may occur in the oddest ways during the day. And then fulfilling some of them. And forgiving myself when I don´t!

Melinda said...

Self-care is vital to being the best me. Self-care is a combination and balance of many things, such as physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. Self-care means that I have to put myself first in order to be able to take care of my family. I wish I could say that I do put myself first, but like many moms out there, we put our families and others first. I hope to learn how to take better care of myself and learn how to enjoy life in the present!

Maggie said...

Self-care is still something I'm trying to sort out, oddly enough. I'm learning that it's not indulgence, but a compassionate, loving, rigorous honesty with oneself...which is still so hard to achieve without my old "friends" shame and self-judgment, the ones I thought I needed in order to live right in the world and not screw up. That's an inside answer. The outside practicalities - eating right, exercising, taking personal retreats, connecting with loving friends and family - all work better when the inside answer is being honored.

Erica Gott, aka Erratica said...

Self-care means making sure I eat a healthy, low carb/high fat diet to control my diabetes (type 2), and loving myself.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Oh my. Self-care, to me, is a necessity. Not a priority, not a nice-to-have, oh no ~ a necessity. Self-care means figuring out what it takes you to recharge and will be different for each one of us!

Julie Wickert said...

Self-care means breathing a little space into my day to rest, reflect, journal, laugh with a friend, be kind to myself, stretch, exercise -- to be attuned to my soul.

dk said...

Self care something I'm not very good at....For me, it is preparing for the next moment...the next breath - and doing all I can to make the most of every "next moment/breath"

Christina Pilgrim said...

Self care is allowing yourself to live in abundance. It is opening your heart to receive all things good. It is listening to what your spirit knows you need to be whole and step into your greatness, to bless others and live a life of joy, compassion and mercy. When we can open our hearts and allow God to pour abundance into us we become a conduit for all of His blessings. When we ensure we are OK, we can pour those blessings into others. For me getting to 'OK' has meant recovery, counseling, yoga, finding quite time everyday more than once a day, listening to God, being courageous in who I am, and learning to build healthy friends and learning to say 'no'.

Cyndi Swendner said...

Self care means taking time to reconnect with nature...this helps me feel connected to who I am. When life gets busy, I make sure I'm taking care of my body. Saying no to things when my heart isn't in it. Spending quality time with people who are grounded and share similar values. And laughter!

rockyourbirth said...

Self-care is a journey. It's a journey to learning about ourselves, what we are embracing about our lives (or maybe even what we are resisting). It's a chance to connect to our divine center and to find harmony in our lives. It's learning to accept myself, ncluding my imperfections and quirks, and embracing and learning from ALL of me. It's deciding how and what areas I want to focus on changing and having the support and energy to do it!

Joy said...

My husband and I just recently made a commitment to give me 3 hours a week of complete "Me!" time :) that involves anything from meeting up with a close friend over great food, barre3 sessions for exercise, pampering sessions at the salon, or just going around the mall, tempting myself with all the goodies (books! shoes! clothes!). That to me is self-care :)

dreamerartsymama38 said...

Self care means taking time to put myself at the top of the list without guilt. When I take care of myself and recharge my sparkle I am ready to share that energy with those I love. Sometimes it is small sitting in the sunshine with a good book, some yoga, some art and sometimes it is big a getaway somewhere I can unplug and nourish my soul. Just time to be still and listen and then resume life renewed!

cindy said...

Self care is taking care of myself, so that I may take care of others.

claire m said...

Self-care for me means nurturing, nourishing, cheering, supporting, rallying, pampering, caring for myself each day, in whatever way I need, so that I can strive to be happy and healthy and achieve my personal and professional goals. Today, for example, it meant making an active effort all day - starting with an extra 10 minutes in bed this morning to reflect on how I was going to deal with some particularly painful professional criticism received the day before, scheduling lunch with a close friend to talk it over in a loving and trusting environment, taking a healthy walk in the sunshine this afternoon while planning in my head various strategies for adjusting my teaching in order to readdress the issues at the centre of the complaints, and, then tonight, a long soak in a warm bath reflecting on the notion that feedback of the hurtful kind I received says more about the persons giving it than it does about me, so I don't need to internalize it, my internal critic does not need to adopt the language of this piece of feedback into its playback loop. I have addressed it, and now I can give myself permission to let it go. So that's today's self-care. Tomorrow? Likely to be something entirely different. Here's to hoping it is as simple as eating a healthy breakfast or remembering to look out the window as the sun sets over the mountains!

amymaile said...

I am still figuring out what exactly self-care means to me. At this point, it is being present with myself and making an effort to tune into my emotions. That practice in itself has been so rewarding!

CCarpie said...

Self-care is about treating yourself as well as (or better than) you treat others. It is about thinking of yourself as the wise, wonderful, beautiful person that you are. It's about finding balance in your life, through time/task/committment management, exercise, breathing, meditation, dancing, lauging, or whatever feels good for you.

Anonymous said...

self-care to me is creating a consistent practice vs only engaging in self-care when there is a crisis. am I good at this? oh no. that's why I want to win this year of self care retreat. my goal is to grow into a consistent practice of self-care that shines outward, inspiring other mom friends around me to do the same. and the bonus will be that my family will be happier and our home will be calmer as a result.

jes said...

Ah self care... well, for me it isn't contrived... not just a bubble bath, treating myself to flowers or even spending time in a room of one's own ... it's deep listening and acknowledging what needs to be filled. Maybe the flowers are enough -- but more likely, at least me for me, it is attention to lost dreams and current IDEAS! I'm learning to 'practice' -- to take action not just think about it. Every time I listen - and act - things change - drop by drop the stone (holding me back) slowly wears away... that's self care.

Dawn said...

self care is knowing when I need to turn within and focus on me, so that I can grow and nourish myself so that I have the energy and capacity to give so I can be a better person, wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend...

Meredith Gordon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meredith Gordon said...

For me, self care really is the attuning and responding that Renee talks about--it is giving myself enough space to hear what my heart is saying and enough love to actually answer.

michele said...

Self-care means practicing self-compassion and self-acceptance in the present moment even when you are having a tough day and feeling vulnerable.

Vocal Zone said...

Self-care, for me, embodies the little things that take place during the day. Since I am a mother of two little ones, I rarely get an hour or even 30 minutes of time to myself throughout the day to just breathe and/or do something just for me. Since my youngest arrived last year, I have had to embrace the small nuggets of time that I have to myself or simply when the room is quiet and use those moments to breathe deeply, call a friend to reconnect, make a cup of my favorite hot tea, eat a piece of really good chocolate, tweeze my brows, paint my toenails. It's the little moments that help me get through the day...not the hope of having a big moment!

Jennie Glass said...

To me self-care means taking a moment to sink into my heart and be present. That may mean hearing a wonderful song, taking a yoga class, or simply hearing my son say something adorable. These moments come more than I realize each day!

Anonymous said...

Self care is doing what I think is best for me and not what someone else thinks is best for me.


Self CARE FOR ME MEANS HONORING MYSELF. I have learned that to love myself and put my needs and desires and health first is equally important to caring for family and others. Including time to listen to my intuitive self. I can not be my best advocate for others and care for my loved ones appropriately if I have denied my own self care.

just said...

Self care means giving yourself the attention, love and acceptance you give others you care for in your life. It means never giving up on your dreams no matter how far away they seem. It means learning to listen to that inner voice and trusting that you can believe what it says....

Lisa L said...

Self-care is turning inward and nourishing my soul. Honoring my body, mind and spirit with gentle care and intention.

kiki curtis said...

Self Care is starting each day with a prayer/meditation and pausing thru out the day to reconnect with my higher power. If my mind is quiet, I tend to be open, loving and kind. Yoga has been a wonderful practice in teaching me the connection between
heart body and spirit. Who knew less is more!

kiki curtis said...

Self Care is starting each day with a prayer/meditation and pausing thru out the day to reconnect with my higher power. If my mind is quiet, I tend to be open, loving and kind. Yoga has been a wonderful practice in teaching me the connection between
heart body and spirit. Who knew less is more!

kriscard said...

today, self-care means working my body, drinking a pitcher of water & eating whole foods. [last night, it meant not worrying about my to-do's & putting myself to bed @ 9:30p!] :)

Lauren and Jeff said...

Self-care means listening to the things going on in my mind and body and tending to those regularly so I can give my best self to those I care for.

Shelly B said...

Self care to me, is a time to renew myself so that I can be all that my family needs me to be. Whether it's 5 minutes or a day, it's time to myself in the tub with a book, outside in the garden, or out with friends. I need to refresh myself by taking time for myself.

wesleyjeanne said...

Self-care means recognizing when I need help and asking for it. It means having compassion for myself when I forget to do the above.

Carmen said...

Self-care is taking care of myself so that I can take care of my hubby & sons. I am still trying to figure out how to do this.

Life's Reflections said...

Self-care means allowing myself to be ME...not who I think I should be...not who others think I am or should be...but really being me, my authentic self. To give this gift to myself and to the world, I remind myself daily to slow down, breathe and listen to my own inner voice. When my heart speaks to me...I know I've come home.

Life's Reflections said...

Self-care means allowing myself to be ME...not who I think I should be...not who others think I am or should be...but really being me, my authentic self. To give this gift to myself and to the world, I remind myself daily to slow down, breathe and listen to my own inner voice. When my heart speaks to me...I know I've come home.

Life's Reflections said...

Self-care means allowing myself to be ME...not who I think I should be...not who others think I am or should be...but really being me, my authentic self. To give this gift to myself and to the world, I remind myself daily to slow down, breathe and listen to my own inner voice. When my heart speaks to me...I know I've come home.

Life's Reflections said...

Self-care means allowing myself to be ME...not who I think I should be...not who others think I am or should be...but really being me, my authentic self. To give this gift to myself and to the world, I remind myself daily to slow down, breathe and listen to my own inner voice. When my heart speaks to me...I know I've come home.

Life's Reflections said...

Self-care means allowing myself to be ME...not who I think I should be...not who others think I am or should be...but really being me, my authentic self. To give this gift to myself and to the world, I remind myself daily to slow down, breathe and listen to my own inner voice. When my heart speaks to me...I know I've come home.

Life's Reflections said...

elf-care means allowing myself to be ME...not who I think I should be...not who others think I am or should be...but really being me, my authentic self. To give this gift to myself and to the world, I remind myself daily to slow down, breathe and listen to my own inner voice. When my heart speaks to me...I know I've come home.

ALo said...

With two little ones at home, for me, it means enjoying the small moments of calm and making the most of them. It also means living in the moment as much as possible and taking time every few weeks to make sure I have some balance, and if not, figuring out how to get balanced. I think I've finally learned how to accept help when it's offered, too. It's still hard, but sometimes it must be done. :)

lindsmar said...

Self-care is taking the time to be present and listen to what i need, listen to what teh inner voice and my intution is guiding and leading me toward. Once i have an awareness of what i need, whether its love, a certain food, rest, activity, silence, fellowship, a good book or good ear to listen, then i take the action toward creating the things that serve my being. I take care of myself rather than blame myself or beat mysefl up for not doing enough or too little. Intuitively listen, become aware and take acion to heal- self care to me!

cityboysmama said...

Self-care is being gentle with myself. It's about speaking to myself they way I would speak to a close friend. I can tell myself, "ugg, this is hard, but you are a beautiful mama and you will figure it out." I have to give myself the space, time, and permission to be that beautiful creature I was created to be, so that I can nurture those beautiful creatures that I have been trusted to grow.

Bibi said...

Self care for me can be anything:
A glass of water when thirsty, going to the bathroom when need be, a meditation or yoga session or simply a scrumptious healthy meal.
Self care happens when I pause and reflect on what I need most in that moment to take care of myself and my needs.

Kate Short said...

Self-care means relaxing into life as it is. It means intentional relaxation, through massage, walks, dance, laughter and baths; it also means breathing through the "hard" times and trusting in my intuition to guide me. Self care means casting doubt out and letting gratitude shine. Self-care means dressing my best, just for me, feeling sexy in my body and letting my light shine out. It includes feeding my body with good delicious beautiful food and my spirit with whatever calls to me in the moment. Thank you so much for asking!

ojoart said...

Self-care means really listening to my mind and body. Taking time to just breathe, reflect, recover and renew.

ojoart said...

Self-care means listening to my mind and body. Taking time to rest, recover, restore and renew.

Rebecca@This Present Life said...

To me, self-care is about doing something for only me. It usually involves getting away from my house where my "to do" list won't distract me.

Dianna Amorde said...

Self care means nurturing my mind, body, and spirit and practicing self compassion whenever I screw up. That's the beauty of retreats to me: they offer one of the few ways to nurture mind, body, and spirit in one weekend!

April said...

To me, self-care means providing myself with the time, the space, and the resources to check in with myself, see how I'm doing, and then EXPRESS MYSELF somehow. It can be as simple as writing my morning pages or singing in the shower, but it makes a huge difference and it doesn't happen all by itself.

Beth South said...

Self-care to me is taking the time to discover what small and very big things thrill me. From the smell of fresh rosemary to making a substantial investment in a visit to Celebrate your Life, I try to find pleasure in each day.

MicheleGlaze said...

Caring for Michele is about finding time to be "me" everyday. From allowing myself to bust out with a loud belly laugh, to getting a hug from a loved one to taking time to pray.

Mónica said...

Self care means to fill my cup daily in order to give to others quality me. And then appreciate, appreciate, appreciate what is working so I can have more of that ;)

ada. said...

self care is stepping back to fill yourself up. knowing the goddess holds you in her arms and making the space to feel that. only then will you be able to mother with true giving once again.

Monica 2012 said...

Monica L
Self Care for me is something that requires focus and attention because even though it is a natural instinct the "noise" of every day worries can drown it out. so I am trying to focus on decreasing the "noise" and living more in the present. Worries about tomorrow can steal the blessings of today.

Life Coaching with Marcia Clark said...

Self care means taking the time to get quiet so I can discover who I am and to really know my true self. Staying in the present so I can "hear" what is next. To make this a practice, a habit is to honor oneself. All of this allowing for deeper service and being available to others.

Kristen said...

Self care to me, means to take time to give your body what it needs to live a healthy, enjoyable life. I believe that religion, a healthy diet and exercise are a huge part of the self care puzzle, along with a lot of small things, that might not seem like much, but can make a big difference in the long run.

Tiffany said...

For me, self care is reminding myself that I am valuable enough to make my needs a priority. I am an introvert, so I have been working to get out once a week to a nearby coffee shop for quiet time with a cup of tea and away from a house ful of responsibilities. I have also been practicing meditation minutes, and I know how beneficial sleep and whole food is for me. Self care is a journey, and I am figuring out more for myself over time.

jordan said...

Lately, self care means finding time to breath and not be responsible for anyone else - even if it's just for 5 minutes.

Anonymous said...

Taking time out to breathe and set my intention regardless of the needs of my family. This can really help my day and in turn my kids when I can make this hsppen. Just enough to get me through the week until I can get some one on one time with myself. Yoga, nutrition, and good sleep!

Wake Raiders said...

To me, self care means I am finally willing to give myself a chance.

Krista Scott said...

Self care means recharging my batteries. Knowing that I can't sincerely give to others if I haven't given to myself first. Self care is taking the time to explore and appreciate who I am. To learn and grow as a human being. Only then can I be authentic in my life and relationships with others. Self care is simply loving yourself. Treating yourself the way you would treat anyone you love.

kriscard said...

today, self-care means tying up loose ends that are tugging at & distracting me. tcb, baby!! :)

Jennifer said...

I'm still trying to find a balance between life, work and family. So right now, self care means saying "No," when I need to, and reserving my "Yes" for the right opportunities.

Robin Murray said...

Self-care means when the masks drop down from the overhead compartment, I must FIRST fasten my own mask in order to help others in need of assistance...
(And leave the guilt at the on-ramp!):)

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