Many of our clients, my friends and family have expressed lately that they feel extremely untethered.
There seems to be a large contingency of us that feel as if we’re in the middle of a big storm in choppy waters and we’re not quite sure when we’re going to hit shore.
Some feel a bit off course while others are sending out a huge SOS for Olympic-sized guidance as they fend off 30-foot waves.
When I feel this way, I always ask myself, “What anchors me?”
I just returned from an exciting but very emotionally charged week of hosting out-of-guests, the wedding of my baby brother (sans my parents and grandparents who passed away in the 90s), lots of intense family dynamics, the roller coaster of my husband’s job search and a heavy duty dose of 40-something hormonal upheaval. To say I felt off-center over the last 7 days is an understatement!
As I ease into the work week and get back on track physically and emotionally in caring for myself and my family, I am very grateful for having developed a keen awareness for what anchors me *now* and how I get grounded. I’m going to share what these cornerstones are so I can remember to commit to these essential practices:
• meditation: frequency matters more than length; when I meditate 10 or 20 minutes each morning, I’m a different person and feel I can take on ANY challenge that comes my way
• dancing, walking or yoga every day no matter what (even if I have to get up a 5:30 a.m. to knock out deadlines to make this happen)
• eating delicious, fresh, deeply nourishing foods that make my body sing with delight (tonight we’re having a mustard vinaigrette stir fry with toasted brown rice/sesame seeds and iced hibiscus mint tea)
• scheduling heart-to-heart walks and talks with friends who love and support me—no matter how busy I am!
What anchors you? Don’t feel bad if you’re still figuring this out. It only took me about 38 years to get clarity on this. And for those who have known for a long time what your anchors are, maybe it’s time to revisit these?
I’d love to hear how you find your sea legs when you’re navigating uncertain times or even just a tough week.
JOIN A GROUP, ATTEND A RETREAT/WORKSHOP OR DIALOGUE WITH ME: Would you like to learn what your anchors are and tools for daily self-renewal? Join us in the cool Berkshire mountains in MA this coming August at the beautiful Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health for our Self-Renewal Retreat Aug. 13-15. One of my favorite spots on the planet and the retreat center that I visit when I'm ready to make a huge life shift! Visit our calendar to learn more about upcoming events including our FREE July 15th Live Inside Out teleclass on Nurturing Your Spirit.
Also, check out our Live Inside Out community and share how you create balance in your relationship.
The Journey, a blog about coach/author/entrepreneur Renee Trudeau’s personal journey to life balance and living life from the inside out, comes out weekly.
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