Monday, May 24, 2010

What's Your Speed Limit This Summer?

Thanks for all the great dialogue from my last post on Relationships.

I really enjoyed your insights and comments on relationships on our Live Inside Out community. If you'd like some great relationship tips, sign up to get my monthly Life Balance newsletter for some ideas on how Personal Renewal Group members worldwide stay connected to their partners and mark your calendar to join us on June 17th for a free couples teleclass on this topic (details at the end of this post).

As I head into my son's last week of school, make sure all my summer camp registrations are in, wrap up with our college interns who are graduating, work with my team on our staff summer vacation schedule, map out my interview/media/event deadlines, take care of end-of-school-year stuff, schedule key business meetings in June, plan for my July writing sabbatical and reflect on my professional/personal goals for the summer, I'm very clear I want this summer to be slow. I'd say speed limit-wise-- around 35 mph.

I'm sure this speed will fluctuate from time to time, I'll get written up for a few warnings and undoubtedly a few speed bumps will put me in my place, but overall, I want 35 mph to be my average cruise control setting through the month of July.

There are many things I want to accomplish on the business-front and home-front, but I can feel my body begging for me to slooowwww way down. And as my wise 8 year-old son says, "Slower is better, mom."

Check out my post on Summer of .... if you're in the same boat and really thinking about what kind of summer you want to experience over the next 10 weeks or so (in Texas, summer comes early!).

I'm sure everyone's speed will vary depending on their career/life stage and needs (the summer I wrote my first book, I was cruising at a steady 55 all summer long), but regardless, it's fun to think what speed limit you'd like to adopt this summer.

And if you like, share your maximum mph on our Live Inside Out community. Maybe we can all support each other in avoiding getting pulled over too often.

Also, I encourage you to check out my friend Beth's peaceful family tips from her beautiful new book "A Moment’s Peace: A Mom’s Guide to Creating Calm Amidst Chaos."

JOIN A GROUP, ATTEND A RETREAT/WORKSHOP OR DIALOGUE WITH ME: Would you like support for getting in touch with your needs and reconnecting with who you are? Join us in the cool Berkshire mountains in MA this coming August at the beautiful Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health for our Self-Renewal Retreat Aug. 13-15. One of my favorite spots on the planet and the retreat center that I visit when I'm ready to make a huge life shift! Visit our calendar to learn more about upcoming events including our FREE June 17th Live Inside Out teleclass for couples on Staying Connected to Your Partner and our June 11th The Empowered Entrepreneur workshop.

Also, check out our Live Inside Out community and share how you create balance in your relationship.

The Journey, a blog about coach/author/entrepreneur Renee Trudeau’s personal journey to life balance and living life from the inside out, comes out weekly.

Photo: Sacramento, CA

1 comment:

sara said...

I'm looking forward to slowing way down this summer and enjoying the time w/my kiddos. I have a few projects I'll be working on, but mostly I want to cherish this summer vacation since these months always seem to fly by.