Thursday, September 25, 2008


As much as I am an advocate of asking for and receiving help (and getting support), I stumble often and see how natural my tendency is to still go it alone.

Recently I had the luxury of meeting with an amazing executive coach about honing a professional skill. Just sitting across from her, having someone totally focused on my needs, who is present and 100% supportive, felt simply amazing!!

I think a lot of my friends/colleagues can relate. We know help is there and how different we feel when we're supported (rather than out in open waters in a rowboat alone), yet we still resist asking for help as often as we should.

Interestingly, more and more studies are coming out about what the physiological and emotional benefits are of having a support network.

And none of us will argue that having a robust support system can have a huge impact on how you experience day-to-day life.

Research shows that individuals with strong support systems (from the Guide):
• are more effective at work and at home (they feel as if they have a team behind them
and that they’re not all alone)
• keep resolutions, particularly those involving their health and physical well-being
• weather personal and professional challenges more easily
• are less likely to feel overwhelmed and find it easier to maintain perspective
• stay healthier on all levels—mentally, physically and emotionally
• are less likely to feel isolated (isolation can lead to feelings of despair and failure)
• experience less stress and burnout
• have children who are comfortable asking for and receiving support and help from others

So, what about you? Do you find it hard to ask for help or are you fully supported in all areas of your life (and if yes—share your secrets with the rest of us who are still struggling with this!)?

My recent experience with my coach certainly has encouraged me to look at all areas of my life and see where I’m lacking support.

Why go it alone? I really believe we’d all benefit from becoming more interdependent.

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