Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Summer of ......

Summer always signifies or beckons a slowing down for me (even though I'm still working). I often choose a theme for the months of June, July and August, moving into this season in a relaxed manner, yet intentionally, so I don't wake up on August 31st wondering where the heck the last 90 days just went?!

What about you? If you chose a theme for summer '08, what would it be? Creativity? Inspiration? Clarity/focus? Self-care? Support? Career direction? Exploration of a new idea or business? Rest and relaxation? (Read my latest newsletter if you'd like to hear more on this topic, check out my May issue on Summer of ....) ://

If you were to write your summer '08 theme on a t-shirt, what would it say? I'd love to hear!


Unknown said...

Our family is slowing down this summer, to allow ourselves the space to do (or not do) whatever feels fun or relaxing in that moment. My hope is that we find ourselves exploring creative and different activities from our normal routine. So, our t-shirt would say "The Summer of Exploration and Discovery."

LottieW said...

Summer of ... finding my power, that was there all along...